Ecopetrol S.r.l. is fully licensed to perform temporary safety measures or decontamination of contaminated sites, using proper equipment and specialized staff for these kinds of operations.

  • Preventive environmental assessments;
  • Assessment of the environmental risk status of industrial areas in accordance with the Italian Ministerial Decree No. 471/99:
    Assessment of the risk status caused by industrial contaminations;
  • interventions for decontaminating soils and aquifers; experimentation, planning and implementation;
  • assessment of the quality of underground waters, hydrogeologically upstream and downstream from the plant;
  • assessment of the quality of soils;
  • planning of the decontamination of aquifers and soils with non-invasive methods such as extraction of volatile pollutants from underground without removing soil and without interfering with any existing superstructure;
  • washing of soils contaminated with non-volatile substances by means of mobile plants, etc.
  • waste disposal techniques;
  • verification of the effectiveness of the interventions performed;
  • assessment of the environmental impact of the decontaminated areas;technical support, legal reports and assistance during technical meetings and conferences with the authorities in charge (Municipality, ARPA, Provincial and Regional administration, Ministry for the Environment).

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